P1030827Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts at Yosemite completed the first of a two-phase ecological restoration project at Yosemite Lodge at the Falls in partnership with the National Park Service and Yosemite Conservancy.  The restoration work includes soil de-compaction, removal of dirt roads and social trails, collection and spreading of duff in restored areas and transplanting of site specific native plants.  The site location is near the bike path on the east side of the property, which was adversely affected by the 1997 flood of the Merced River and the installation of an underground utility system.

Project Goals:

  • Remove unwanted dirt roads
  • Enhance guests’ experience by improving aesthetics near the hotel
  • Provide educational opportunities for guests, concessioner employees, associates and volunteers
  • Provide opportunity for park partners, DNC associates and managers to participate in a team building volunteer project
  • Increase vegetation on the site

The Yosemite Conservancy recruited 15 volunteers to assist with the first-phase of the project which was conducted from May 5 to May 9.  The National Park Service will work in concert with Delaware North to source native vegetation seeds in Yosemite National Park to be planted at the site this October.