This holiday season consider giving to those in your community who are in need.

Delaware North is known for its corporate social responsibility and citizenship.  As a well-known philanthropist, Mr. Jacobs has dedicated his leadership and service to communities, giving generously of his time and resources to positively influence the world around him.  Each year the Jacobs family gives millions of dollars to communities around the world. The company’s global stewardship platform is made of three pillars: environment, community support and social responsibilities.  This platform allows the company to unify and streamline its community support efforts, employee volunteerism, cause support, product philanthropy, scholarship giving and nonprofit support.  The company partnered with some of the world’s leading socially responsible enterprises to map a strategic plan for best practices in corporate citizenship. The foundation of the company’s social responsibility and citizenship is based on a flexible approach, allowing the company to direct its resources where they do the greatest good. Through these efforts, the company makes a difference in the lives of associates, customers, clients and the communities where they live and provide service.

Efforts are not limited only to the contribution of funds and services. Delaware North’s associates understand the importance of being a good neighbor and are involved in various volunteering and fundraising efforts. Each location is responsible to identify and support its community; through volunteerism, identification of key community projects and causes and ongoing philanthropic support. Delaware North believes that a socially responsible company is one that serves. It serves its customers by selling something of value, its workers by providing good jobs, its owners and clients by generating profits and the community at large by making the world a better place.

The following tips and facts may help you when making decisions to give in the future.

Tips for Giving:

  • Follow your philanthropic passions.
  • Be proactive.
  • Be informed.
  • Confirm 501(c)(3) status.
  • Confirm commitment to accountability and transparency.
  • Obtain financial records.
  • Understand accomplishments, goals, and challenges.
  • Ensure the charity is efficient, ethical and effective.
  • Recognize that 100% of your gift cannot go toward the charity’s programs.
  • Share intentions and make a commitment.
  • Follow your investment.
  • Contributions are deductible in the year made.

Giving Facts & Figures (2013 statistics):

  • 95% of American households give to charity.
  • On average, Americans give about 3% of their income to charity.
  • Individual households gave over $241 billion to charities.
  • Corporate giving reached nearly $17 billion.
  • There are over 1.5 million charitable organizations in the U.S.
  • The majority of charitable dollars are given to religion (31%), education (16%), human services (12%), and grant-making foundations (11%)

This is a time to say “thank you” and remember that your contributions make a difference!

For more information visit Delaware NorthThe Philanthropic Trust, and Charity Navigator