Wembley Stadium, pictured here amid an Ed Sheeran concert, regularly hosts events in excess of 80,000 people. Delaware North has been the food and beverage partner at the world-renowned venue since it opened in 2007.
Overseeing the food and beverage operations at the largest stadium in the United Kingdom is no small feat. But that didn’t stop Delaware North’s team at Wembley Stadium in London from earning a five-star rating during the annual government-mandated audit by an environmental health officer. During the audit, the environmental health officer checks:
• How hygienically the food is handled, including how it is prepared, cooked,reheated, cooled and stored.
• The condition of the structure of the buildings, including the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities.
• How the business ensures food is safe, and the officer must be confident standards will be maintained in the future.
The hygiene standards found at the time of inspection are then rated on a scale. At the top of the scale is five — meaning the hygiene standards are considered excellent.
For a number of years, Wembley Stadium has earned the still-impressive four-star rating, mostly driven by the sheer size and scale of the venue and various elements regarding the physicality of the building.
“After all, with one massive central production unit (CPU), 10 full-spec kitchens, 80 satellite kitchens, more than 1,000 refrigerators, 10 silver-service restaurants and 126 kiosks — getting a perfect score across the entire operation is definitely something to celebrate!” said Sam Steele, marketing and communications director for Delaware North in the United Kingdom.